Backgammon Flash
A classic online backgammon flash where you have two minutes per move to decide. If the two minutes are up, the game is lost. As in all backgammon games, the object of the game is to bear off all your checkers from the board and place them in the appropriate box. Now roll the dice to become a backgammon champion and play for free. This backgammon flash is the classic board game that you can play online and for free here. Click on Roll to start the round. You play with the white checkers. As soon as it is your turn, your button in the top left corner lights up yellow. It is your turn, now you should know how to play backgammon. If you still need help, in the game under the question mark there is a short explanation in English, furthermore you have the possibility to change the game a bit in the options. Have fun with Backgammon Flash.RELATED GAMES